What are Chakras?
Did you know that there are seven energy centers in your body, each of which influences your mood, physical health, and spiritual well-being? These seven energy centers are called chakras and are an important part of many Eastern healing traditions.

1. Crown Chakra | Sahasrara
Located at the top of the head, it is the energy center of enlightenment, spirituality, and connection to the divine.
2. Third Eye / Ajna
Located between the eyebrows, it is the energy center of intuition, imagination, and wisdom
3. Throat / Vishuddha
Located in the center of the throat, is the energy center of communication and expression.
4. Heart /Anahata
Located in the center of the chest, is the energy center of love, compassion, and forgiveness.
5. Solar Plexus /Manipura
Located in the stomach and is associated with our personal power and self-esteem.
6. Sacral / Svadhisthana
Located just below your navel, the sacral chakra is the seat of our emotions and sexual energy.
7.Root / Muladhara
Located at the base of our spine, it is associated with energy and stability.
The Crown Chakra, located at the top of the head, is the energy center of enlightenment, spirituality, and connection to the divine. When it is balanced, we feel connected to something larger than ourselves and have a sense of peace and well-being. When out of balance, we may feel disconnected from our spiritual selves or experience feelings of anxiety or depression. The crown chakra is associated with the colour violet and isn't associated with any element as it is considered pure spirit. There are many ways to balance the crown chakra. These include:
● Working with the colour violet: Wearing, meditating with, or surrounding oneself with violet balances the crown chakra.
● Working with crystals: Wearing or carrying crystals connected to the crown chakra, such as amethyst or clear quartz, can help to balance the chakra.
● Meditating: Meditation can be a helpful way to unblock and balance the crown chakra as it allows us to connect with our higher selves and tap into our spiritual side.
Amethyst & The Crown Chakra
Amethyst is a violet variety of quartz closely associated with the crown chakra. It is known as the "stone of spirituality" and is said to be helpful for those seeking a higher state of consciousness. Amethyst can help to open up our crown chakras and connect us to our higher selves. Wearing or carrying amethyst can help keep the crown chakra balanced and promote feelings of peace and well-being
Wear as gentle reminder that you are connected to the divine.
The Third Eye Chakra, located between the eyebrows, is the energy centre of intuition, imagination, and wisdom. When it is balanced, we trust our intuition and have a strong connection to our inner knowing. When out of balance, we may feel disconnected from our intuition or have difficulty trusting ourselves. The third eye chakra is associated with the color indigo and the element of light. There are many ways to balance the third eye chakra. These include:
Working with the colour indigo: Wearing, meditating with, or surrounding oneself with indigo balances the third eye chakra.
Working with light: Spend time in nature, expose yourself to sunlight, or work with crystals associated with the element of light.
Working with crystals: Wearing or carrying crystals connected to the third eye chakra, such as sodalite or lapis lazuli, can help to balance the chakra.
Sodalite & The Third Eye Chakra
Sodalite is a dark blue mineral typically tied to the third eye chakra. It allows one to develop intuition and inner truths, making it ideal for those who want to grow spiritually. Sodalite can help you to connect to your higher self and access your inner wisdom. Wearing or carrying sodalite can help keep the third eye chakra balanced and promote clarity of thought and inner peace.
Wear as gentle reminder to trust your intuition and inner truth.
The Throat Chakra, located in the center of the throat, is the energy center of communication and expression. When it is balanced, we can express ourselves clearly and confidently. When out of balance, we may have difficulty communicating our needs or feel like others are not hearing us. The throat chakra is associated with the colour blue and the element of ether. There are many ways to balance the throat chakra. These include:
● Working with the colour blue: Wearing, meditating with or surrounding oneself with blue balances the throat chakra.
● Working with sound: Listening to calming or peaceful music, chanting, or singing can help to balance the throat chakra.
● Working with crystals: Wearing or carrying crystals connected to the throat chakra, such as amazonite or turquoise, can help to balance the chakra.
Amazonite & The Throat Chakra
Amazonite is a greenish-blue variety of feldspar. It is closely associated with the throat chakra and is known as the "stone of communication" and is said to be helpful for those who have difficulty speaking their truth. Through its powerful energy, amazonite can help you to express yourself more clearly and confidently while helping to open up channels of communication in your relationships. Taking care of your throat chakra can help you achieve greater harmony and balance in your life.
Wear as a gentle reminder to communicate with integrity & truth
The Heart Chakra, located in the center of the chest, is the energy center of love, compassion, and forgiveness. When it is balanced, we feel open and empathetic toward others. We may feel angry, resentful, or jealous when out of balance. The heart chakra is associated with the color green and the element of air. There are many ways to balance the heart chakra. These include:
Working with the color green: Wearing, meditating with, or surrounding oneself with green balances the heart chakra.
Working with air: Spend time in nature, meditate with incense or work with crystals associated with the air element, such as the amethyst.
Working with crystals: Wearing or carrying crystals connected to the heart chakra, such as the aventurine, also known as the "heart healer," can help to balance the chakra.
Aventurine & The Heart Chakra
Aventurine is a style of quartz characterised by its translucent green colour. It is known as the"heart healer" because of its ability to help balance the heart chakra. When the heart chakra is imbalanced by negative emotions such as anger, resentment, or jealousy, it can cause various problems, including physical ones. Wearing or meditating with aventurine can help to clear, align, balance, heal and maintain a healthy heart chakra.
Wear as a gentle reminder that love is the essence of who you are.
The Solar Plexus is located in the stomach and is associated with our personal power and self-esteem. When it is balanced, we feel confident and in control. When it is out of balance, we may feel weak or powerless. The solar plexus chakra is associated with the colour yellow and the fire element. There are many ways to balance the solar plexus chakra. These include:
Working with the colour yellow: Wearing, meditating with, or surrounding oneself with yellow can help to balance the solar plexus while increasing confidence and self-esteem.
Working with the fire: Spend time in the sun, meditate with candles or work with crystals associated with the fire element.
Working with crystals: Wearing or carrying crystals connected to the solar plexus chakra, such as the Tigers Eye, or Citrine, can help to balance the chakra.
Citrine & The Solar Plexus Chakra
Wearing Citrine jewellery is one of the most effective ways to balance the solar plexus. Citrine is known for its ability to increase confidence and personal power. When the solar plexus chakra is imbalanced, it can cause stagnation and a lack of motivation. Placing a citrine on the chakra can help to realign and clear the energy center. In addition, wearing citrine jewellery or meditating with a citrine can help to keep the solar plexus chakra balanced and healthy. The connection between the Solar Plexus and citrine is a powerful one. Through its powerful energy, citrine can help you to feel more confident and in control of your life.
Wear as a gentle reminder that you are in control of your own power.
The sacral chakra is the seat of our emotions and sexual energy, located just below your navel. When it is balanced, we feel creative and connected to others. When out of balance, we may feel emotionally closed off or become obsessed with our sexual desires. The sacral chakra is associated with the colour orange and the element of water. There are many ways to unblock and balance the sacral chakra. These include:
● Working with the colour orange: Wearing, meditating with, or surrounding oneself with the colour orange can help to balance the sacral chakra.
● Working with water: Spend time by bodies of water, drink plenty of water, or work with crystals associated with the water element to balance the sacral chakra.
● Working with crystals: Wearing or carrying crystals connected to the sacral chakra, such as the Peach Moonstone, can help to unblock and balance the chakra.
Peach Moonstone & The Sacral Chakra
Peach Moonstone is one of the most effective gemstones for balancing and activating the sacral chakra. Peach Moonstone is known for increasing creativity and sexual energy and promoting emotional balance. When the sacral chakra is imbalanced, In addition, wearing peach moonstone jewellery, meditating or placing a peach moonstone on the chakra can help to realign and clear the energy center. Through its powerful energy, citrine can help you to feel more connected to your creative energy. Taking good care of your sacral chakra can help you achieve a greater sense of well-being on all levels.
Wear as a gentle reminder to express your creativity freely.
The root chakra, located at the base of our spine, is associated with energy and stability. In times when we feel unsafe or out of place, it is our root chakra that requires attention. The Root Chakra is associated with the colour red and the earth element. When it is balanced, we feel safe and secure. When out of balance, we may feel anxious or fearful and seek security in all the wrong places. We may become clingy or possessive, or fixate on our material possessions. We may also find it challenging to let go of things that no longer serve us. The root chakra is activated using various methods. These include:
Working with the colour red: Wearing, meditating with, or surrounding oneself with red can help balance the root chakra as red is the colour associated with this chakra.
Working with the earth: Spend time in nature, touch the earth, or work with crystals associated with the earth element.
Working with crystals: Wearing or carrying crystals connected to the root chakra, such as the Ruby, can help to balance the chakra.
Rubies & The Root Chakra
Rubies are one of the most complimentary gemstones for activating the root chakra. They are known for their ability to ground, protect, and stimulate passion, vitality, and abundance. When the root chakra is imbalanced, Wearing ruby jewellery, meditating, or placing a ruby on the chakra can help to clear and realign the root chakra and keep it balanced and healthy.
Wear as a gentle reminder that you are rooted in strength and stability.